
Dr. Jennifer Chang 張琦雅 助理教授

發佈日期 : 2019-11-18

Name & Title


張琦雅(Chi-Ya Chang)


Assistant Professor, Program of Global Business, College of International Studies and Foreign Languages, Chinese Culture University, Taipei City, Taiwan

Email: zqyjennifer1217@gmail.com




國立台北大學商學院企業管理研究所 博士(Doctoral Degree, Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University)
國立中興大學法商學院企業管理研究所 碩士(Master Degree, Department of Business Administration, National Chung Hsing University)
美國舊金山大學(USF)資訊工程研究所碩士(Post Graduate Study, Department of Computer Science, University of San Francisco, USA)



Assistant Professor, Program of Global Business, College of International Studies and Foreign Languages, Chinese Culture University, Taipei City, Taiwan 


Adjunct Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, College of Business, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung Li District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 


Assistant Professor, Program of Global Business, College of International Studies and Foreign Languages, Chinese Culture University, Taipei City, Taiwan 


  Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Chinese Culture University

•中國文化大學教育推廣部 /英同步口譯專訓班主任

Senior Consultant, Training Program, English/Chinese, Translation, Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpretation, Continuing Education Center, Chinese Culture University

 •靜宜大學 企業管理學系專任助理教授

 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Providence University 

•淡江大學 企業管理學系兼任助理教授

 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Tamkang University

•國立台北商業技術學院 應用外語科兼任助理教授

 Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Foreign Languages, National Taipei University of Business






Case Study, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Organizational Culture and Leadership, Consumer Behavior, Services Marketing, International Business Management, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management.


1. Chia-Lin Hsu*, Chi-Ya Chang, Chutinart Yansritakul , (2017), “Exploring Purchase Intention of Green Skincare Products Using the Theory of Planned Behavior: Testing the Moderating Effects of Country of Origin and Price Sensitivity”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 34, pp.145-152. (SSCI)
2. Wann-YihWu, Ya-Chung Hou, Chen-Su Fu, Chi-Ya Chang, (Nov. 2013), “Identifying Failure Recovery Strategies for Paper Industrial Suppliers, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol.42, Issue 8, pp. 1233-1244. (SSCI)
3. Daniel A. Sanchez-Loor, Chi-Ya Chang* (2013), “How Welfare Variables Influence Energy Consumption?—Evidence from Ecuador and Mexico”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 805-806, pp. 1404-1412. (EI)
4. Feng-Kuang Chuang, Chih-Young Hung, Chi-Ya Chang, and Kuo-Cheng Kuo* (2013), “Deploying ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks Models to Predict Energy Consumption in Taiwan,” Sensor Letters, Vol. 11, 2333-2340. (SCI).
5. Kuo-Cheng Kuo, Chi-Ya Chang, Wen-Cheng Lin, (2013), “To Predict Military Spending in China Based on ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks Models”, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, pp. 176-181.
6. Kuo-Cheng Kuo, Chi-Ya Chang, Mei-Hui Chen, Wei-Yu Chen, (2012) “In Search of Causal Relationship between FDI, GDP, and Energy Consumption—Evidence from China“, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 524-527, pp. 3388-3391. (EI)
7. Chi-Ya Chang, Sue Ling Lai, (2012) “Applied Situated Learning Theory to Investigate Effect of Global Warming Awareness Education in College—Quantitative Case Study with Experimental Design “, Advanced Materials Research, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development II, Vols.524-527, pp. 2490-2495. (EI)
8. Kuo-Cheng Kuo, Chi-Ya Chang, Wen-Cheng Lin, Applying ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks Models to Predict Military Spending in China, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (EI), Zhengzhou, China, 4th (ICACTE 2011) ASME Press, pp. 427-430.
  1. Chi-Ya Chang and Min-Ren Yan, “Village Reconstruction, Value-added Innovation, and Sustainable Development - A single case study”, IAIC 2023 Conference, (August 5th -12th, 2023), International Association for Agricultural Sustainability (IAAS), University of Reading, and The Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health (IFNH), London, UK.
  2. Chi-Ya Chang and Fong Soon Wai, (June 9th -11th, 2023), “Can Artificial Intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, Be Researchers’ Advisor to Assist in Extending the Models of the TPB and TAM within the Mobile Payment Industry in Malaysia?”, iCIMKC2023, The 17th International Conference on Innovation, Management and Knowledge Community, Taipei, Taiwan
  3. Hanny Sari Pertiwi and Chi Ya-Chang, (Dec. 2022), “Investigating the Relationship among Skeptical eWOM, Age Difference, Mistrust, Country of Origin and Purchase Intention – an Extended Framework of the TPB Model within the Context on Social Media”, International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education - (ICSSABE-22), Taipei, Taiwan.
  4. Wilbertus Hadikusuma and Chi-Ya Chang, (Dec. 2022), “To Investigate the Relationships among Brand Image, Country of Origin Effect, Price Sensitivity, and Purchase Intention towards Japanese Fast Fashion Brand Products in Indonesian Gen-Z: Extended Framework of the Theory of Planned Behavior”, International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education - (ICSSABE-22), Taipei, Taiwan.
  5. Chi-Ya Chang and Yen-Nhi Pham, (May. 2020), “Exploring the Differences between Two Genders’ Entrepreneurial Intention caused by Stereotype Threat in Y-Generation – Evidence from Taiwan and Vietnam”, The 19th Academic Forum of National Taipei University of Business & 2020 International Conference on Innovative Thinking and Intelligent Life (ITIL 2020), Taipei, Taiwan.
  6.  Chi-Ya Chang, (May. 2020), “To Explore an Exemplar of Sustainable Entrepreneurship: The Evolutionary Processes of a Self-Organizing System”, The 19th Academic Forum of National Taipei University of Business & 2020 International Conference on Innovative Thinking and Intelligent Life (ITIL 2020), Taipei, Taiwan.
  7.  Chi-Ya Chang, (Aug. 2019), “Exploring the Innovative Application of Drones in the Case of Agricultural Production in Taiwan: Based on the Theory of Entrepreneurial Leadership”, The 4th International Agriculture Innovation Conference, Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, Oulu, Finland.
Research Plan

(1). 11201學年度教育部教學實踐計畫北區跨校教師社群研究計畫:「領導創新、永續傳承隊」,計畫主持人。計畫經費總額:新台幣40,000元。

(2). 11101學年度教育部教學實踐計畫:「The A+ Project Aiming to Cultivate Entrepreneurs without borders,雕琢無國界創業家A+計畫」計畫主持人。計畫經費總額:新台幣374,300元。(獲得文化大學 王子奇校長 記小功一次鼓勵)

(3). 10901學年度教育部教學實踐計畫北區跨校教師社群研究計畫:「創創底蘊社群」計畫主持人。計畫經費總額:新台幣40,000元。

(4). 10701學年度教育部教學實踐計畫:「商管專業知識及核心能力建構」計畫主持人。計畫經費總額:新台幣311,000元。(獲得文化大學 王淑音校長 記小功一次鼓勵)

(5). 10701學年度榮獲「環泰企業股份有限公司」贊助教學實踐計畫。計畫經費總額:新台幣80,000元。

(6). 10702學年度中國文化大學高教深耕計畫:「德瑞法國際移地學習暨企業參訪研習營」計畫主持人。

(7). 10701學年度中國文化大學高教深耕計畫:「台德法瑞國際創新學術聯盟暨跨領域能力培育」計畫主持人。

(8). 10701學年度中國文化大學高教深耕計畫:「德國姊妹校HFU高教深耕延伸」計畫主持人。

(9). 10602學年度中國文化大學高教深耕計畫:「台泰國際創新學術交流暨產學雙軌合作」計畫主持人。

(10).2018新南向、新思維論壇—台灣中小企業如何掌握AI時代中的新泰國商機?」計畫主持人。學術論壇合作單位:逢甲大學。學術論壇日期2018/3/9~ 2018/3/10

(11).「文大與華碩電腦產學合作」。計畫主持人。產學合作案,執行期間2012/8/1  ~ 2015/1/31

(12).「凱達格蘭文化館服務學習專案」。計畫主持人。服務學習合作方案,執行期間2012/3/1 ~ 2012/6/15

(13).「職場新鮮人職前培訓與實習」。計畫主持人。私部門委託研究案,執行期間2010/11/13 ~ 2010/12/18

(14).「九十九學年度鷹揚計畫」。計畫主持人。實驗設計型研究。執行期間2010/2/15 ~ 2010/10/31

(15).「建立機關委託技術服務廠商履約績效評鑑及管理機制產學合作案」。研究人員。公部門補助研究案。執行期間2009/8/13 ~ 2009/12/31

(16).2009年經濟部商業服務業關鍵人才培訓教學能量建置特具計畫」。研究人員。公部門補助研究案。執行期間2009/8/3 ~ 2009/11/30

(17).「建立機關委託技術服務廠商履約績效評鑑及管理機制」。研究人員。公部門補助研究案。執行期間2009/4/30 ~ 2009/12/31

(18).2009年經濟部商業服務業關鍵人才培訓教學能量建置特具計畫」。研究人員。公部門補助研究案。執行期間2009/3/5 ~ 2009/7/31

(19).The Benchmark of Global Green Enterprise-Take CSR as a Strategic Competitive Advantage」。計畫主持人。私部門委託研究案。執行期間2008/7/1 ~ 2009/9/30


1. 109學年度榮獲中國文化大學商學院全球商務學系教學優良教師殊榮

2. 107學年度榮獲中國文化大學商學院全球商務學系教學優良教師殊榮

3. The Best Paper Award:

Chi-Ya Chang*, Pasokporn Sukummasawasdie, and Sanchez-Loor, (Jan. 2014) , “The Multivariate Granger Causality Study on the Relationship of Economic Growth, Foreign Direct Investment Inflows, Average Wages, Exchange Rate, Human Development Index, and Energy Consumption —Evidence from Taiwan and Thailand”. 2014 2nd International Conference on Management, Pattaya, Thailand.

5. 100學年度榮獲中國文化大學商學院國際企業管理學系績優導師殊榮

6. 99學年度榮獲中國文化大學商學院國際企業管理學系教學優良教師殊榮

7. 98學年度榮獲中國文化大學商學院國際企業管理學系績優導師殊榮
