
選課規則 Course Selection Regulation

1. 至系辦請先報年級及姓名,有禮貌地詢問助教學分事宜,並且先確認好自己缺的學分再至系辦詢 問,謝謝。
When visiting the department office, please start by providing your name and grade politely, inquire about matters regarding teaching assistant credits, and make sure to confirm the credits you are missing before inquiring at the office. Thank you.
2. 大四學生: 請先至【歷年成績單】確認自己所修習的學分數是否有缺,請比對必修科目表。
For senior students, please check your transcript of academic records to verify if there are any credit deficiencies in the courses you have taken. Specifically, compare the required courses with your completed credits.
3. 以下必修都要修習,必修 89 學分,選修 39 學分,共 128 學分。
Requirement course: 89 credits Elective course: 39 credits Total 128 credits
4. 外系學分可承認 12 學分。
Admit 12 credits for other department’s course.
5. 畢業門檻: 多益 640(同等英文檢定也可)、金融證照一張。
Graduation threshold: TOEIC 640 (or equivalent English proficiency test), and obtaining a financial certification.
6. 確認全人學習護照、校園服務學習(一) & 服務學習 (二)是否完成。
Confirm whether you have completed the requirements for the Whole Person Education Passport, Campus Service Learning (1) & Service Learning (2).
7. 陸港澳、僑生、台生都必須完成全人學習護照點數(各 18 點)。
Mainland Chinese, Hong Kong, Macau, overseas Chinese, and local Taiwanese students are required to complete the points for the Whole Person Education Passport (18 points).
8. 大四下學期開放可以選修中文課程重補修全商必修課,前提為被當才可以。
In the second semester of senior year, there is an opportunity for students to retake required Chinese courses for the College of Business. However, this option is only available if the student has failed in a previous attempt.
9. 若多益考不到 640 者,在大四時修習商用英文(一)及(二),即可抵免英文門檻。
If the student does not achieve a score of 640 or higher on the TOEIC test, they can take Business English (1) and (2) during their senior year. These courses can be counted as a substitution for the English language requirement.
10. Graduation Threshold for Foreign students:
11-1. Equal to or higher than TOEIC 640 (IELTS 5.0、TOEFL 68)
11-2. Complete service learning (1) & (2)