門檻 3: 英文檢定 English Proficiency
Graduation Requirement-English Proficiency Certificate
For your graduation requirement, you shall hand in the English Proficiency to the office and academic dept.
*Acceptable for English Test result: TOEIC, IELTS, TOEFL
Please read the following steps.
1. The Original Transcript of your English Proficiency Test result
*Will return by the office after a spot-check.
2. The photocopy of English Proficiency Test result* 2 pics
* Write down "your student ID, Original Name, Department" on the top of each document.
1. Bring documents to the office, En 951.
2. Receive the dept. stamp on your document
3. Bring the stamped document to visit the Academic Dept.
4. Log in your student area and check your record appears
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