
Business Management

Business Management Program


Our program combines all business-related courses and is designed for students to gain professional skills and knowledge.

Studying with international students is an invaluable experience and it opens doors to different cultures, perspectives, and personal growth. Additionally, we offer scholarships, internships, and overseas exchange student opportunities.



Why choose Business Management Program?


1. All Courses are offered in English

2. Multicultural Experience

      Study with international students will open up your horizons and encompass multicultural experience.

3. Core Business Subjects

     Courses include: International Business Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Investment,

     Commercial Law, etc.

4.  Our Resources

      Various scholarships, internships and job opportunities are offered by major corporation. A variety of     

      exchange programs and oversea educational tour are available.  

5. Sister Schools

     Collaborating with universities from the USA, Europe offers dual degree programs.



Required Courses

      General Required       


       Business Application  


      - Economics             - International Business Management               - Business Writing      
      - Statistics             Marketing Management               - International Trade Theory      
      - Accounting             Human Resource Management                - Business Law      
      - Management             Financial Management               - Corporate Governance And Business Ethics      
           Organizational Behavior And Management       - Artificial Intelligence In Business Application  
   Strategic Management   - Business Statistics Application
Managerial Economics
Supply Chain Management





- Banking Industry

- Security Investment Industry

- Foreign Trade Enterprises

- Airline 

- Traval Industry

- Project or High Tech Management